Sunday, November 21, 2010

Essay 4 Outline Legalization of Marijuana

P1: Introduction-
-Define Marijuana and it's recreational uses
-Discuss facts about how many people in the United States alone use Marijuana
-Talk about
Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized because it is less harmful than cigarettes, it has many positive attributes, and citizens arrested on Marijuana charges take up space in our incarceration facilities

P2: Discuss how Marijuana, an illegal substance, is less dangerous and addictive than cigarettes and scientists have not been able to link it difinitively to cancers like tabacco has been.

P3: Explain how Marijuana use has positive attributes, such as its medical value and use as a recreational drug with relatively mild side effects.

P4: Talk about how people convicted with possesion or distribution of marijuana and are sent to jail crowd these facilities when more dangerous people should be locked up.

P5: Conclusion
-Talk about another place that has legalized Marijuana, possibly Amsterdam, and their policies, age able to purchase, and more information about the usage.
-Close with saying that if Marijuana were to be legalized there would have to be restrictions on it like with alcohol and tabacco.

**Also in each body paragraph I plan on including one point that a non-Marijuana supporter could bring up and refuting it.

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