When did cassette tapes first come about?
Who invented the cassette tape?
The Philips Company of the Netherlands invented and released the first compact audio-cassette in 1962. They used high-quality polyester 1/8-inch tape produced by BASF. Recording and playback was at a speed of 1.7/8 inches per second.
The next year in the U.S. sales began of the Norelco Carry-Corder dictation machine that used the new cassette tape. The consumer's demand for blank tape used for personal music-recording was unanticipated by Philips.
(Cassette Tape History)Are cassettes still available?
In 2007 Best Buy also stopped selling them due to the monumental decrease in sales. CD's have taken over because they are more durable ect.
(Information Week)When did cassette tapes come obselete and CD's take over?
On 17 August 1982, Royal Philips Electronics manufactured the world’s first compact disc at a Philips factory in Langenhagen, just outside of Hanover, Germany. However, the sales of CDs to the music industry did not begin until 1983. In 1985 Dire Straits was the first band to be released on compact disk to the public.
Do any music stores still sell cassette tapes?You can order cassettes online but they exist in low numbers.
(Google Sales)Are cassette tapes worth money because they are considered "old" or "antique" to our generation?
Cassette tapes seem to be worthless. They sell for less than a dollar individually. Blank cassette tapes for example, are sold in packs of 100 for $20.
How much did the average cassette tape cost?
When were cassettes still popular?
They were popular through the 60's up until about the early 90's. Mix tapes and cassette tapes in general seem to be the most popular in the 80's.
What mediums are cassette tapes played on?
Boomboxes, Stereos, Car Steros, or Walkmans.
(Word IQ)
What were cassette tapes used for?To listen, record, and share portable music, in a car, on a walkman, or with a stereo.
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