Thursday, August 26, 2010

Biggest (Essay 1)

Where does the biggest snake in the world live?
What is the biggest mistake the United States has ever made?
How many children does the biggest family in the United States have?
Who owns the biggest house in America?
Where is the biggest mall in the world located?

I don't why I chose this question about snakes because they're disgusting...but here it goes.

There is a lot of debate on the biggest snake in the world.
Some sources say the biggest snake ever discovered was an Anaconda. In 2008 scientists found fossils of a supposed 43 foot 2,500 pound Anaconda. It was found Columbia, South America. The mine was located somewhere near the Amazon Rain Forrest. However, they can not be sure of the actual measurements of the snake, which makes it hard to give it the title of the largest snake in the world.
Some scientists say that the largest live Anaconda ever measured was 28 feet long and 44 inches wide.
However, the consistency here seems to be that the largest species of snake is the Anaconda.

The Biggest Snake Source

The biggest mistake the United States has ever made...this came up with quite a few hits on google.

-Declaring war on Iraq
-James Buchanan (1857-1861): Failed to aviod the Civil War
-Richard Nixon (1969-1974): The Watergate Scandal
-Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921): Not being reasonable with the costruction of the Treaty of Versailles after WWI
-Bush Vs. Obama

The biggest family recorded in the United States has 29 members, and 27 children. But, 23 are adopted. The mother and father, John and Jeanette Murphy, decided to perform a saintly duty and adopt special needs children who had no other place to go. They were recently featured on Extreme Home Makeover to have a house large enough to accommadate all their needs.


The largest family with all the children born to the same mother goes to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. They have 17 children and aren't planning on stopping there. Duggar has been pregnant for 133 months of her life, but is welcoming the idea of an eighteenth child. Their children's ages range from 19 months to 19 years. There are two sets of twins, ten boys, and seven girls. The children all have names that begin with the letter "J". Why would someone want this many children?
Info thanks to RDF Rights and BNET 

The biggest house in the United States, Biltmore Estate, is located in Asheville, North Carolina. It was built in 1895 by the Cecil and is still family-owned and operated today by Bill Cecil. It's an inn, a popular place for lavish weddings, a winery, and a home to the Cecil family. There are more than 250 rooms and an 8,00 acre backyard!
For additional info on Biltmore Estates or watch the video tour

South China Mall opened in 2005
The largest shopping malls in the world are said to be two Chinese malls. The South China Mall in Dongguan and Golden Resources Mall in Beijing. In China, the land and labor is cheap which allows them to surpass the size of American malls located in California such as the South Coast Plaza or the Del Amo Fashion Center. However, malls in America have a better chance of surviving because shopping is a huge American past-time. Also, in China, people are more aquainted with small local shops or markets than large shopping malls.

Denver (Essay 1)

When was Denver founded?
Where did Denver get it's name?
How large is Denver's population?
Are there any Universities or Colleges in Denver?
What are some unique current events that have taken place in or around Denver?

Denver, Colorado was founded in 1858.

I couldn't find anything on how Denver got it's name. However, Denver was previously called St. Charles.

Data collected from a July 2008 census reveals Denver had a population of 598,707 people.

There are several colleges and Universities in and around Denver. These include Regis University, Johnson and Wales University, University of Colorado-Denver, and University of Denver.

 WESTMINSTER - It's been several years in the making and it's made quite a few headlines in the process. On Monday, the doors opened on the brand new Westminster High School.
"It's out of this world, this school," Senior Dillon Lynch said. "There's nothing better than Westminster High School right now."
The $92 million high school, located on West 68th Avenue, was built using bond money approved by Adams 50 voters four years ago.
It is the first new high school built in the district in 35 years and features state of the art security and learning technology.
"Our entire building is WiFi, a lot of technology in every classroom, smartboards, things of that nature, laptops, ways for students to get online and really use technology for learning," Principal Pat Sanchez said. "I think our auditorium is state of the art, very beautiful gymnasium, weight room, just all around feels more like a college campus than it does a high school."

The incoming freshman class will not only experience a new building, they'll be learning in a new national education model, which Sanchez says is standards-based.

"Students are able to move based on their performance," Sanchez said. "So, kids get to either move on and accelerate when they need to, or if they need extra help, they can get that immediately. And the intent is for learning to be the constant, time to be the variable."

There are five "academies" that students choose to enroll in; visual performing arts, bio-medical, global business, liberal arts and the academy of architecture, construction and engineering. The students take classes that are apart of the basic core curriculum would be found in any high school, and the academies help them focus in on potential choices in secondary and higher education.
Lynch was on hand to help with Monday's freshman orientation, helping dispel the rumors that high school is a scary place, and to help the newcomers feel comfortable.
"I've never, ever seen a school this big before, or of this caliber," Lynch said. "It's amazing."

Tattoo (Essay 1)

Where do tattoo artists learn their trade?
How do different cultures view tattoos?
What are the risks of getting tattos?
What are peoples motivations for getting tattoos?
When did the concept of tattoos begin and who thought of the idea?

There is no set educational path for someone who wants to be a tattoo artist. It seems most schools do not offer any type of tattoo artist course either. But, some private school's including locations in Albany, New York and San Diego, California do offer an educational path for tattoo artists. Most tattoo artists learn the tricks of the trade from a mentor. It seems skills are passed down from artist to artist.

Tattoo's are an art form that seem to be universal throughout many different countries. However, in the Jewish community tattoo's are looked down upon. Also,the bible supposedly discourages tattoos. Leviticus 19:28 says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord."

There are several risks involved in getting a tattoo. For one, once people age, they may feel differently about what they had inked on their skin as a youth. Tattoo removal is possible, but the skin will not be totally restored and may scar. The removal procedjure is said to be very painful and expensive. Another risk involved in getting tattoos is the spread of diseases through the tattoo artist's needle. The consumer can only hope that the tattoo artist used proper sanitary techniques. Also, once someone ages, their tattoos may discolor or change form/shape because their skin will become looser. Tattoos seem like they're not worth it and could potentially become a burden as one ages.

So what kind of motivation is strong enough to talk millions into getting tattoos?
-Religion (Even though they are looked down upon in several religions)
-Expressing the death of a loved one
-Rebellion of society
-To show affilations and connections
-National pride
-To show they are proud of what they do (i.e. Marines, Army, ect.)
-Gang-related expression
-Artistic interest
-To support a cause (i.e. cancer, suicide prevention, ect.)
-Once some people get their first tattoo they become addicted and continue to cover themselves


In 1891 Samuel O'Reilly invented an electric tatooing machine. Thomas Edison made the first tattoo machine. However, it was not successful and O'Reilly improved it. It was O'Reilly's model that became popular. But, the concept of tattooing has been around for a long period of time. Most sources say it began with Indian tribes that made their own makeshift tattoos.